Tuesday 8 August 2006

The Signs

Decided to do a description on Scorpios...I TYPED IT OUT MYSELF WAN HOR!!!

but before i start...I hope she's feeling better now...Runny...dun overwork yourself...do rest more...drink more water if not herbal tea...and LESS HEATY FOOD FOR YOU!!!!

***Warning!!! Long Post...Grab Some Tidbits to go with...***


Scorpio has sex appeal off the charts. When he falls in love, it's deeply and utterly. The only problem is getting him there - and then keeping him.

The Dark One

Scorpio always seems to have something dangerous about him. Perhaps you can't put your finger on it, but it's always there. He broods, mumbles under his breath, and you feel like he's always thinking. He also comes off as easygoing and free, though you know he's a force to deal with when he's angry - virtual tornado when he actually lets loose.


Yes, Scorpio always has something simmering just beneath the surface. She's crafty, and she knows how to make things go her way. Scorpio also speaks only half of what's on her mind. Most call her secretive, and she is. But there's something else - she's a private person. She's reserved. Though she comes off as friendly and open, Scorpio is very closed about the inner workings of her mind - more than she'll ever let on.


Scorpio is also a very proud creature. She's wilful, stubborn, and determined to get her way. And the reason she's so hard to figure out is that she's more a contradiction in terms than most other signs of the zodiac. Here are a few examples:

  • Scorpio tends to get more obsessed with someone who's not good for him (like Taurus).
  • Scorpio will hunt down a potential mate, not relenting until she falls in love with him.
  • Scorpio is a very private soul, but he hate feeling lonely.
  • Scorpio wants you to tell all your secrets, but he wont tell any of his own. All scorpios have something hidden in their past - they are not the open books they seem to be.
  • Scorpio seems easygoing and cool one minute and then suddenly snaps, becoming anxious or angry.
  • Scorpio overworks himself to the point of complete exhaustion, complains about it, but does nothing to resolve the problem.

  • Unpredictable

    In short, Scorpio is, at the very least, entirely unpredictable. She a mystery - thats for sure. So, how do you snag Scorpio's heart??

    You're Mine!!

    Okie, Scorpio is incredibly jealous and possessive, but he's also protective. A Scorpio will defend you within 2 inches of his ife (The way Leo also would). He's smart, and when he's in love - or believes he is - he's really in love. Fortunately, you can tell whether Scorpio is or is not. In the beginning, he will persue you. He'll be generous and affectionate. When this behavior stops or wanes, you will know you are starting to lose him. Something must be done, or the relationship will fade away altogether.

    Just keep in mind, that a Scorpio will stay in a situation longer than he should. Because of this, when he breaks, he usually does it in a harsh or uncaring way. This is done really to protect himself. If he leaves you when he still has some feelings, he knows he's going to suffer. (Once again, Scorpios are more sensitive than they seem.)

    Be advised, however, that when Scorpio finally ends it, it's over. You maybe able to suduce him once or twice after, but only if he's convinced that you dont have any remaining feelings for him - that you are not looking for something more. This is the only way Scorpios show their practical side in love.

    The Art Of Attraction

    Scorpio is all about transformation. Just associating with one will change your life in someway. While Aquarius, for example, goes for the strange or unique partner, Scorpio is drawn to opposites. She wants someone who can really go wild and let loose in the bedroom and then be able to dine among the best of them. Sex is also EXTREMELY important to Scorpio. She has the ability to make it good for both of you (Scorpio Men too!!)

    In fact, the best time to have an important conversation is after lovemaking. She lets her guard down, and she'll be more willing to hear what you haver to say. Get her to laugh a little before you start. Scorpio loves to laugh and does it too rarely. Incidentally, you will also want to be neat around Scorpio - Even when you throw your clothes around in wild love play. Scorpio is very orderly and clean, and she expects the same of you. Dont think of looking in her closets, though. Scorpio, though neat, is a notorious pack rat.

    The Long Haul

    Scorpio can be difficult to deal with sometimes. He has certain unique requirements. Most likely, he likes to hang around people his partner wont necessarily like or approve of. For this reason, Scorpio tends to marry later than most. But Scorpio loves Love, and he wants to be in love forever. He loves children and makes a wondeful, caring father who will do anything for his children. Scorpio women, too, has great instincts with children. The only thing Scorpio must watch out for is temper - most Scorpios have one. They let the anger build up instead of releasing it, and it all comes out in a whoosh. Though Scorpio would never in a million years wilfully hurt a child, he/she must be equally careful to keep this natural tendency at bay.

    Is Scorpio in love with you?? Not sure how he feels about you?? There is a subtle test you can give your Scorpio mate. It does count as game playing, but if you really need to know, just flirt with one of his friends. At the very least, he will tell you about all his friend's bad points (Hoping to assure himself the winner's place, next to you). At the very worst, he will haul you out of the restaurant and kiss you senseless, so you know for sure just who you really belong to. Scorpio is the most jealous of the signs. Its a sneaky way to snatch him, and, perhaps, a manipulative way to keep him. But, hey, it works.

    He/She: The Little Stuff Counts

    Scorpio, normally, is pretty informal. Although she can dress up on a moment's notice, she usually prefers to dress comfortably. however, she wont mind how you dress and may not even notice. Scorpio men, in particular, will unduly impressed by the sight of a beautiful woman in a tight dress - Tasteful and conservative, not tacky. On her side, a Scorpio woman will be drawn to a man with a pleasing scent. Actually, all Scorpio have very acute senses - except for hearing, which usually tends to be as bad as his/her other senses are good. (Although sometimes they just pretend not to hear you.)

    Scorpio is also extremely subjective to touch and taste. Many Scorpio women and men are wonderful cooks once they get a little practice. Cook for him, and make sure the food has diverse tastes - combine salty, sweet, and spicy for example. This is an aphrodisiac for Scorpio. Stroke his thigh, and you probably wont get to finish your meal - Scorpio will have you in bed before you've had your last bite.

    Pillow Talk: Signs In The Bedroom

    All Scorpios are incredibly accomplished lovers. They have an innate sexual instinct and their passion rides them, and you. You will feel like you are swept away with dark, alluring Scorpio. But he wont seduce you unless his mind is there. Try to get him to laugh at himself. Scorpio places too much importance, sometimes, on the little things. He gets wrapped up in details and fails to see the big picture.

    The Secret Scorpio Man

    Scorpio Men tends to get obsessed about things. It maybe you in the beginning. But once he has you, the obsession will probably shift to his work. Work and livelihood is very important to Scorpio men. His co-workers, most likely, think of him as a dedicated soul - difficult as he is. He's a perfectionist. When things dont go his way, He has a hard time dealing with it, fretting and pouting in his free time.

    This little tidbit is important to know because it may spill into your sex and relationship time together. Once you relax Scorpio sufficiently, though, he will pour his passion and dedication into you. His perfectionism, in this case, is directed to an entirely different goal. He will want to seduce you completely and utterly. Here's one thing you dont have to worry about:
    Though Scorpio men can dominate in bed, he wont mind letting you take the reins once in a while. It depends on his mood. The key to success in the bedroom with Scorpio is the folloe his lead.
    Rest assured: Instinctively and passionately, Scorpio's got your numbers.

    The Secret Scorpio Woman

    Though she's outgoing, funny, and smart, she;s got alot going on under her surface. She seems so open and liberal with her feelings; instead, she has lots of personal issues that secretly haunt her. Whether these problems have to do with her relationship, her family, or her work, she will entrust her skeletons to one pserson and one person only:
    her other half, her love.
    In other words, You will know whether she loves you and trust you - for Scorpio, the 2 go hand in hand - if she confesses her deepest darkest secrets.

    But Scorpio women is indeed a private soul. She, too, can be coerced to talk more freely in bed. After making love, she lets her guard down. This is a perfect time to find her demons and get her to open up to you. For Scorpio, Sex is like air- she needs it to survive.

    Some Fast Facts About Scorpios

  • What do Scorpio fear most?? Discovery. They're a little embarrassed about the oddities that go through their heads. Therefore, they're good at showing you only what they want you to see.

  • Think Scorpion, think deadly. Dont ever cross a Scorpio!! She will sneak up from behind. And she can be vengeful and crafty about it - knowing exactly how to push your buttons and possibly even hurt you.

  • Here's a tip: Scorpio Men love to be complimented on intimate things like their clothes or their smell. So do Scorpio women. Give them a slow, sultry kiss and whisper it to them in their ear. They'll love it.

  • Scorpio men actually feels more than he lets on. If he confesses strong feelings for you, chances are they are even stronger than you imagine.

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