Saturday 5 August 2006

Plain Bored

Was reading a says...10 things you ladies should know about goes...

1. Not ALL guys like sports. And even if we do, you like make up and shopping.

2. We don't call because why should we bore you to death with a silent conversation. Besides, we'd rather BE with you than talk over a phone.

3. Some girls don't like for the guys to make the first move. We don't want to scare you away.

4. If you want to go out with us and we haven't asked then ASK US. Do we have to do everything? Besides, most guys think, "She doesn't like me, why should I ask her out?"

5. We like showing off way around our friends. It makes us feel "stronger".

6. About the calling thing again. If we think of something to talk about, we'll call. Now that I think about it, chatting is better. So why not chat? But anyways, you could call us every once in a while.

7. Why buy you gifts for no reason if you're not going to do anything with them?

8. We wouldn't buy anything that's not useful, and we would expect the same from you.

9. Why do you think we flirt with your friends?


10. DO NOT say you're mad at us and then NOT tell us why you're mad. Cause we don't know, don't make us guess. We ARE NOT going to appologize for something didn't do.

how true are them huh...hehe...

I've been online the whole day!! freaking boring man...dont know what to do...dont know why am i online for...maybe waiting for her?? dont still waiting for the answer...i wonder why i take it so seriously...nah...fuck it...positive..good...negative...also least im not neither here nor there...quick S!! give me an answer so i can take my next step...hehe...k lah...will post more stuff when i feel like it...Finger diarrhoea...

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