Tuesday 2 January 2007

Happy New Year

After so long...i guess its alright for me to continue blogging now...many things happened...As a matter of fact...TOO many things happened in year 2006...Good...Bad...everything...well...it surely did not end too well...now is the start of a new year...its sort of an excuse for me to leave all the unhappy memories behind...put it inside a trash bag and just dump it into the trash bin of 2006...Its the start of the year...everybody should just dump all the things they dont want into trash bin 2006...

New Year Eve was spent in Terence's house...cooked porridge and curry...started drinking around 11 plus...countdown to 2007 while playing indian poker...then 12 plus...we switched to playing mahjong...play until the rest of them reach...and 2nd round of drinking began...we played up/down...winner will pour...whatever they want into a shared mug...and the loser will drink all..imagine...Martell, Chivas, Bleu, Green Tea & Coke...all mixed in a mug...How will it taste like?? haha...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
The Concoction for the 1st round...2nd round was worse...

Drunkards In Action

I Dunno What Style Is That...

Synchronised Swimming...

After that...we played truth or dare...and...we ask questions with regards to sex...and with regards to dare...nothing was non-sexual...hahhaa...nothing too sexual though!! just pure funny...haha...

I had to do this...kaoz!!

By the time the game end..ita around 6 plus 7 in the morning...we chatted for quite sometime too...talking about our 1st impression of each and everyone...then subsequent impression...well...getting to know how others see you is always fun...talked until 10 plus...i cooked breakfast for them...by then...im sleepy liao...after i finished cooking breakfast...they ate...and i knocked out...haha...

Went home in the evening...continued sleeping till the middle of the night...then wake up for no reason...kaoz..my biological clock really upside down liao...need to retune liao..oh...hmmm...that...can be one of my New Year Resolution...I will go make a list now...hehe...Next few post will be full of photos and stuff...

1 comment:

furfur angel said...

the video is so funny!
FWAH! u better not let any gays view this, else they will love you deep deep... keekee...